We have the solution for two left feet!

Black Friday Sales are available.  For information about each gift (click here)

Take the next step and call us at (207) 877-5244

Mike & Betty  Wild West Party
Mike & Betty Wild West Pa...
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Upcoming Classes


Ballroom Basics

Starting January 7th

Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:30


Starting January 16th

Thursdays 6:00 - 6:45


Country Basics

Starting January 14th

Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:30


Dance Parties! 

Every Friday Night

Groups 6:45, Party 7:30


Christmas Party

December 20th


New Year's Party

Reservation Required

December 31st

8:00 - 10:00


Tea Dance

Sunday, January 5th

2:00 - 4:00


Luau Theme

January 17th


Country Party

Saturday, February 1st

7:30 - 9:30





 no workshops scheduled

at this time




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Social Media
