We have the solution for two left feet!

Black Friday Sales are available.  For information about each gift (click here)

Take the next step and call us at (207) 877-5244

Gary & Marlene Clark

Gary Clark Dance TestimonialAfter years of nagging, my wife relented and allowed me to sign us up for dance lessons through our local community college. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to dance. Marlene loved to go dancing and was always dragging me to discos and tea dances. She just didn’t feel the need for lessons. I, on the other hand, was self-conscious and awkward and hoped lessons would help me keep up with her or at least make me feel less foolish. After the first few lessons in a series of 9 group classes in Ballroom, she was hooked. That was 14 years ago.

View more: Gary &...

Cathy Potter

Cathy Potter TestimonialWhat a fun journey dance has been! I was convinced that I would never be able to get my two left feet to move without tripping myself or my partner but Louise was able to teach me to move gracefully and with confidence. Louise has always been able to explain how my body moves and how to apply my natural movement to the dance steps, just like walking or throwing a baseball. And she has definitely taught me that “can’t” should be erased from our vocabulary, Dance and life in general is really about what we can accomplish.

Cathy Potter

Brent & Judy Moore

July 12, 2016
Knoxville, Tennessee

Brent Judy MooreJudy and I have had the great fortune to have had Louise Cote as our coach over the past six years or so. Combined, we have over one hundred years of involvement with dancing and as you may well imagine have worked with a wide variety of coaches over these years... from some who were just starting in the business to national and world champions. We can say that Louse has been as helpful, astute, and supportive as any we have worked with ... and actually much superior to most of them. Her varied background and training in ballet, contemporary, theatrical, and ballroom gave her an exceptional skill set which combined with her caring, warm, congenial coaching style made her a perfect match for us at this stage of our dance lives. We can give her our wholehearted recommendation and endorsement as a great coach and teacher for whatever level you may be working on from beginning dancing to championship competitive dancing.

View more: Brent & Judy...

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Upcoming Classes


Ballroom Basics

Starting January 7th

Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:30


Starting January 16th

Thursdays 6:00 - 6:45


Country Basics

Starting January 14th

Tuesdays 6:45 - 7:30


Dance Parties! 

Every Friday Night

Groups 6:45, Party 7:30


Christmas Party

December 20th


New Year's Party

Reservation Required

December 31st

8:00 - 10:00


Tea Dance

Sunday, January 5th

2:00 - 4:00


Luau Theme

January 17th


Country Party

Saturday, February 1st

7:30 - 9:30





 no workshops scheduled

at this time




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